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  • Writer's pictureAaliyah Ison

Physical Activity

Updated: Aug 11, 2022

It's common for students to become more sedentary in college but there are many little things that can be done to sustain physical activity while on campus.

College students have a bad habit of not exercising or avoiding fitness. The majority of the time, the reason is because they're too busy & don't have the time. Despite students' busy schedules, there are always ways to incorporate regular exercise and it is not difficult! Keep reading to find out opportunities that students can take to be more active.

Why is Being Active Important?

Regular physical activity is important not only for your physical health but for your mind as well. The American Heart Association found that regular physical activity:

Helps with weight management

Improves brain health

Reduces health risk

Enhances physical abilities

Influences healthy habits

Increase your lifespan

According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans adults need 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity each week or at least 30 minutes a day with an additional 2 days of muscle strengthening to gain health benefits and achieve optimal health. Are you meeting the exercise guidelines?


Tips & Tricks:

Be active as much as possible

  • walk, jog, bike, skateboard, scooter & when possible avoid using electric or motorized means of transportation (e.g., cars, scooters, skateboards, etc.)

  • use the stairs instead of elevators & escalators

  • park farther away from your destination

  • explore the campus


Utilize college resources

Did You Know?

Education Data shows that the average cost of tuition is $9,349 for in state college students while out-of-state tuition is three times as expensive.

Whether you enjoy exercise or not, you are already paying to go to the gym since it's included into your student fees. To get your money's

worth of paying college finances you can:

  • go to the gym

  • join fitness programs or clubs

  • play intramural sports


Take fitness-related courses

Taking a fitness course in college can encourage and require students to be more active while receiving college credit. Meta-analyses revealed that school-based interventions are associated with positive effects on BMI and increase students' physical activity levels by giving more opportunities to be active. Studies have shown significant effects on self-concept and may be effective in increasing motivational outcomes(Demetriou, Y., Höner, O., 2012). Popular fitness classes include:

  • yoga

  • pilates

  • cycling

  • boxing/kickboxing

  • zumba


Schedule your workouts

Finding the time for physical activity can be difficult with class schedules, work, and other personal responsibilities but it's important to find an opening to schedule fitness even if it's in small increments at a time. Remember that doing some physical activity is better than not being active at all. How can you incorporate exercise into your schedules?

  • In between classes or work take 10 minutes to do small & simple exercises (e.g., stretching, calf raises, arm circles, lunges, etc.)

  • exercise with a friend when hanging out; having an exercise buddy can help motivate and support a physically active lifestyle

  • Workout in your dorm room or at home. Here are some exercises.

Planning when to workout can help create a balanced workout and make one become more consistent in fitness.


Use fitness-related technology

  • fitness and wellness apps can help establish routines and provide guidance for training(Kendrick, J., Duffy, L., Ye, L., & Burke, P., 2022)

  • wearable fitness technology like Fitbit or an Apple watch can help track physical activity throughout the day and promote physical activity by reminding oneself when to be active



American Heart Association. (2022, July 18). Why is physical activity so important for health

and well-being? American Heart Association. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, June 2). How much physical activity do

adults need? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from,Physical%20Activity%20Guidelines%20for%20Americans

Demetriou, Y., Höner, O. (2012). Physical activity interventions in the school setting: A systematic

review. Psychology of sport and exercise. 13(2), 186-196. Retrieved from:

Flom, C. (2015, July). Try out these 5 fitness classes when you return to school this fall.

Uloop. Retrieved from

Hanson, M. (2022, June 12). Average cost of college & tuition. Education Data Initiative. Retrieved


Kendrick, J., Duffy, L., Ye, L., & Burke, P. (2022). College students' motivations for using fitness

related technology. Journal of American College Health, ahead-of-print(-), 1-9. doi:10.1080/07448481.2022.2071622

Walton, J. D. (2022, August 4). Popular Fitness Classes and Concepts. Retrieved


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